Guardia Civil


In 1814, after the independence war against Napoleon, there are a lot of thieves in Spain. To solve this problem, Fernando VII create a new army to fight inside the country, but it did not work so well, because the soldiers had other things to do than arrest “guerillos”.

Finally, the 13 of May 1844 (30 years later), under the reign of Isabel the II, a “Cuerpo de Guardias Civiles” is created. This new group of special forces of the Police depends on the ministry of the war (salary, organization…) but receives his orders from the Interior Ministry. At the cost of numerous losses, they succeed to stop the rural crime. They are welcome by the population because they bring peace and security. Encouraged by this success, the Government decides to give a pay increase and their deployment in all the territory and even in the colonies.

The 17 of July 1936, the Spanish’s civil war begins. The Guardia Civil has 33 500 men but only the half stay loyal to the government. At the end of the conflict in 1939, in total, 2714 Guardias Civiles died and 4117 were seriously injured.


The recruitment of the Guardias Civiles is quiet easy comparing to the other special forces, but you will need to be part of Spanish army, have a good fitness and good values.


HK G36

-MG 4

-40 SB

-Gun HK

-Sniper Barret

Badge of the Guardia Civil